viparita karni (legs up the wall pose)

                viparita karni (legs up the wall pose)

Today  we are going to learn viparita karni (legs up the wall pose)

also Let's go, let's to the wall.Usually this is a restorative assets and proper use so that you can remain in that posture and you can become comfortable and holdit for a long period of time so that you can achieve the benefit of this asset.

You can use a chair where the buttocks will rest on the chair where your boxer is used with the shoulders resting on the bolster and a blanket to support the head. But we have to see it in a classical way in a traditional way. In fact, we breed come eosin is a preparatory to get into savannas, the shoulder samples. So we pick on eosin is done in a supine position where you lift both the legs up You bring it little behind. And after bringing it behind you place the hands by the side of your hip bone, your pelvis and then you lift your legs up and make it vertical.

 Now there are two schools of thought a few people say that when you are in the funny posture where the body looks like a tree line from the toes to the bottom, that is one line, then from the bottom to theshoulders of the neck, the second line and then the head. So there are three lines, few people says that your leg should be vertical and there is another school of thought which says that your toes should get aligned with the level of your eyes. Both are fine.
Sometimes to challenge and to make the code stronger, even making the legs vertical. Also is very important. If you see the benefits of this awesome, this is awesome is very good. To relieve the strain and the tightness that comes in the legs, the fatigue that comes in the leg, it helps relieve that it is also very good to strengthen the neck The back muscles.

when you perform this asan, it's a little inverted posture. So, a lot of benefits of inverted unison skin we can get from this. Now, who should not do this those who have high blood pressure, they should avoid this us and our heart related problem, they should take a look and do it under the guidance, those who are very weak eyes or glaucoma, they should also do it under guidance or they should avoid doing this assets. Also, when person who has been operated, they should always ask him for a while until the point they feel a little bit during menstruation it should be avoided completely. Now let's see how to perform these costs.

So the starting position is the line on the back in the supine position. In one of the video callers Allison, we have short of how to do it and how to lift the legs how to bend both legs and knees at the knee to make it comfortable and roll the spine. So if you want to get a little more idea of how to move the legs and how to bring the legs behind, you can watch our Alassane or a cloud pose video, it will be beneficial for you here and just going into the posture showing how to get into the final posture.

Lying on the back, feet together hands by the side of the body. This is the starting position. Now we lift both the legs and then we bring both the legs behind. After coming here, we'll take the support of the hand and I will keep my hands at the ball and then I will make both my legs vertical. If you see there is a tree line from the toes to the bottom is one line from the butter to the neck does the second line and the third line is head.

 The second variation is you can bring the toe the line of your eyes even this is fine now One common mistake which can happen here is when people practice this pose, if the elbow starts coming out, they will find a lot of strain on the elbows. So it is better to keep the elbows closer to the body so that you can hold this posture with ease. Second common mistake which can happen is true people keep the hand by the side at the bottom when they hold. It's not very comfortable. It brings a lot of strain on the elbow and the shoulders. So hands on here, when there is a bone, there is hip bone, there is a pelvic bone actually, and you hold here like this, keeping your legs vertical, and head in the center. Shoulders are not coming close to the the shoulders are lifted away from the ear so that the neck becomes comfortable. And then you can hold here with ease for a few breaths.

 When you want to come back, Don't don't just come down like this. Let the legs go a little behind. Let the hands come down. Take the support and slowly with ease. Come back.

This is how we can be awesome can be done.


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