Kati vakrasana

Kati vakrasana

Today we are going to learna very simple as p means vakrasana means to twist. And this asan is a supine acid. It has lots of benefits, very practices asan, it allows mobility of the spine to improve the spine because of its twisting action becomes a little loose and supple. Not only that, because when the knees are moving on one side and the head is moving to the other side, this twisting action right from the neck down to the lower back. tailbone region happens beautifully, which also brings twisting action in the abdomen.

 Indirectly this twisting action allows organs which are there inside the abdomen to function better Mostly this asana is used in a restorative way especially in the end, when all the practices are over, in order to relieve strain intention from the body, this practice can be done. So, that finally from here, if you want to go into Shavasana relaxation, you can feel nice lighter in Shavasana.

those who have a severe back injury they should do it under the expert guidance.

 Because there is a chance that when you do this, you can do beyond your capacity and you can string yourself also, those were being operated from the abdomen, they should take a little care once it he then you can do it. Let us see how to perform Biscardi across the spinal twist in supine position.

 So you lie down on your back and then you bend both the leg attorneys there are two variations in this The first one is where the feet is on the floor. And the second variation is where more the knees will come to the chest. The effect of feet on the floor is on throughout the spine, but when you bring both the knees to the chest, the stretch increases more in the middle lower back page. So you can choose what you want initially, maybe you can start with this, but as you keep on practice, you can also come on this area depending on where you want to bring the impact. So I'm going to do it with the feet first on the flow and then I will open my hands at 180 degree so both my hands are open at the line on the shoulder at 180 degree.

Now, I will let both knees to fall on one side. So allowing both my knees to fall on the left side and then I will turn my head to the right side. When I do this, my spine is being twisted from knees to one side and from the head to the other side. So it's a twisting action that is taking place in the spine. Hold there for a few minutes. Some people keep the feet down on the floor. 

But sometimes you can keep your heel on the heel and toe on the toe. Not necessarily that the knees should remain together in the knees are coming closer to each other, it's fine. But don't press the knee and create a lot of strain in the inner thigh. Let the knees be as comfortable as they are. If they're falling on one about the other, it's perfectly fine. If they are not even touching each other, it's even fine because the impact of this is not on the legs but on the spine. So this is the first variation of knees on one side and then the head to the other side.

 Then we slowly come back to the center, and then we do it on the opposite way. Now let's see the second variation. The second variation brings more stress in the middle and the lower back region. So how can you do this? Again the position the hands are open at 180 degree bombs are on the floor. If you want sometimes you can hold Get the bounds facing up to the skill ceiling. There's no hard and fast rule. I will keep the farm on the floor because I will feel a little more stable in that position. Then I will bring both the knees to the chest. Remember when I'm doing this, I'm not pulling the knee so close that I'm lifting my button the lower back up. I'm just bringing the knee with ease as much as it can come. And then from there, allow both the knees to fall on one side and then I turn my head to the opposite side.

This brings a nice stretch in the middle lower back region again helps me to open and relieve strain intention that comes in this in indisposition which helps to relieve the strain, which has come before by practicing some other asanas. That's the reason why this can be practiced at the end, just before us, and then slowly we keeping the knees close to the chest, we come back to the center and then we go to the opposite side. Practicing on both sides is very important.

 As you keep on doing so, you will find that the mobility of the spine starts coming if the spine is very stiff because we are sitting for too long getting tired the spine, the spine feels tired. This can actually help to rejuvenate the spine and also very important to feel nice and relaxed in the spine. cutting across him is a very important lesson, especially at the end of the practice.


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