Utthita trikonasana

Today we are going to learn extended triangle golf course , utthita trikonasan. Friend, This is a standing strengthening us and a big look and practices anatomically.

It affectsthe chest, the abdomen, the belly,also the hamstrings, the knees,the tilesalong with the lower back, the neck, the whole of the spine,all to the shoulders.

It helps to strengthen and stretch the ankle. The ties the nice area. It stretches the groin, the hip, the hamstrings. The cows also it stretches the chest,the shoulders, the waist region. Plan, it is also very good for relieving stress.

It also allows the dietician to improve.

It also alleviates pain in this especially in the back during the second trimester of pregnancy. It is also very good for people who have anxiety, people who have back pain who have infertility, those who have menopause, those who have who are pregnant, it is very good for them. Also, it is very good for people who have flat feet, for osteoporosis, for neck pain.

 Now, those who have diarrhea, those who have headache, do they have low blood pressure, they will avoid the status. Also, if you have a heart problem, the hand that goes up that will remain by the side of the waist, no need to raise the hand For those who have high blood pressure, they will look gaze down, they will not gaze in front or maybe days down the floor and those who have neck problem, they will not look up but they will look exactly in front keeping both the sides of the neck equally elongated.

Now let's see the practice.

So let the feet be about keeping the feet about three and a half to four feet distance, or maybe one length leg or one length and one feet leg. Depending on the height, you can arrange, you can adjust yourself.

Now, just don't the left foot little in and open the right leg out 90 degrees. Very important to engage the courts and the pelvis is still neutral. your hip points are facing in front spine is nice and tall. shoulders are relaxed.

It is very important that we don't put train on the knee, the knee is relaxed, especially when we bend forward is in this position, the body will tend to fall forward don't fall forward, just let the spine move laterally in the line of the leg, heels and one line, toes are active, keeping the toes down so that the arch of the feet can also now open the hand as you breathe in. And when you breathe out, you are actually extending out to see this action. I can actually bend from my waist region, or I can move from my head can see this in action. So we want this right to actually move inside and the left hip to extend out and go up to the ceiling. Just watch the section. When I do this action, how the spine moves, just moving.

This allows the spine to move a lot of times people move from around back. No, we should lend them the spine. Keep the spine nice and tall. Don't drop it. So hoping the hands as you breathe in.
When you breathe out, extend out moving jutting from the hip actually. And slowly. When you find difficult, you can bring the hand down on the shin. The cords are active so that the kneecap is still. The upper hands up to the waist is open nicely. The chest is open nicely in the shoulders open nicely watching the upper hand. Maybe you can watch the tongue when you hold facial muscles relax. If you find this difficult look in front, shoulder the relax especially the shoulder. Don't let the shoulder head get into the shoulder shoulder is nice opened away from the year.

Now as you find easier you can start coming down slow. Don't bend the body forward keep this in one line. The behind leg works as an anchor. It keeps us supported nice and strong.

Keep the outer edge of the left leg active All you're in this position for a few seconds. Keep breathing nicely, shoulders are nice. If you want, you can come further down. If you find difficult you can use a block to remain here.


inhale slowly and as you exhale, release your hand down your feet and bring the feet closer. This equation is very good for the waist area. Also, always allow handle to reduce this low handle fence.


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