Urthava mukha swanasana (upword facing dog pose)

Urthava mukha swanasana  (upword facing dog pose)

Today we are going to learn upward facing dog or urthava muha swanasana. This is a backward bend chest opening us. Also, when you do this awesome anatomically, it impacts your chest, your lungs, also your kidneys, liver, abs and belly. It also impacts the glutes, the hip flexors, the lower back and the whole of the spine. This is a beginner level ask. Friends when you do this, ask them, it actually strengthens the spine, the arms and the wrist. It stretches the shoulders and the arms.

abdomen and it also stretches nicely and beautifully the back when you see this, when you hold this position, it stretches the chest and the lungs also it stimulates the organs inside the abdomen. Also, it allows mild depression to get raised.

Those who have problems relative to injured back or those who have problems related tomaybe carpal tunnel syndrome, those who have headache, those who are pregnant they should avoid this practice. When you get this asset, this asset is very good for anxiety for depression. This can actually help to increase the energy and remove the fatigue. Good for cytokines. Good for people who have problems related to fix Because this can help to increase the fitness level and also it can be used for weight loss. This person starts with prone position so he will lie down on the abdomen.

So let's lie down.

After lying on the abdomen, what you need to do is you need to Lynden the leg so that the pelvis can remain nice and comfortable on the floor. We don't want this to happen when the buttock is lifting, legs are nice and long and pelvis is nice and the starting position can be hands by the side and chin on the ground. If you find strain in the neck, then you can also keep the forehead on the ground like now, after bringing the forehead, you can bring the chin little forward and bring the hands by the side of the chest. As you bring the hand by the side of the chest. What you have to keep in mind that the upper arm to become perpendicular.

The upper arm should be in a straight line, a vertical line. Engage your palms and the fingers nicely. And after engaging the bowels and the fingers, what you need to do is you will lend them the lower back. Now friends, as you lift up slowly, you're gonna use your hands to push it down and push it a little behind. Can you see in such a way that the shoulders and the wrist can come in one line and you're back in front of the feet is active, your thighs are not touching the floor, your knees and touching the floor, they're about the floor. As you do this, what you need to do is you need to let the shoulders go away from the ear and open from the shoulder blade area.

Remember we are not pushing the lower pitch forward we are pushing the sternum up so that you can get nice length in the spine. As you do this, you just lend them the tailbone down towards the pubis and the pubis, little up towards the navel, so that you feel you are not tightening the buttocks, but as a fall but not very tight. Maybe the sitting Moon is coming closer. Feel this nicely. Let the head be neutral, engaging the pelvis and the lower back nicely. Hold this position. Breathe in this position. If possible, don't press the wrist too hard. Let the palm of the fingers be engaged and the front of the elbow the crease of the elbow is facing in front of you. Be nice and tall. Bring the shoulder blades behind the Justice open. Keep breathing in this position for some time.

Slowly after boiling for about three to five breaths, inhale and may You bring the ties down, pelvis down, abdomen down, chest down, chin down, forehead down. Then release your hands, turn your face, relax for some time.

Friends, this brings a nice stretch into the abdomen. And also it can open the spine beautiful. Usually this practice is done when you do a flow or when you do Sun Salutation A and B. So practices make a spine supple, and also let the weight let the code or to become stronger witness.


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