Padaghustasana(big toe pose)

    Padaghustasana(big toe pose)

Today we are going to learn big toe pose. It is a forward bend sending us it is in between beginners and intermediate  it affects the shoulders. It affects the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the bladder, the pelvis, both it affects the neck and the lower back.

It also affects the gas, the hamstrings, the hip and also the active When you perform this  it brings a nice stretch into the arches of the feet into the calf muscles into the hamstrings, also into the shoulders.

This also helps to relieve stress and mild depression it is done in a relaxed way. Also, it prevents osteoporosis. It also strengthens the legs strengthens the back and also the code along with the house. Now those who have osteoporosis, those who have little backache, they should take care when they perform this, those are very tight hamstring, they can bend the leg of the knees when they performance. Also, those who have injured in the shoulder, they can actually arrest the hand In the final position instead of 10 cyllage, those who have neck problem after going forward, if the end is handling too much, they can use law to support the edge so that the neck is all to support.
So let's see how to perform this.

 So this is a forward bend Asana.  So stand stand with interaction with feet little apart. Saracen is a starting point to enter into the asana.

Now after standing in callosum, what you do is you inhale, and keep the hands by the side of the waist as you exit, you bend forward.
fence, a lot of people what they do, they just want to reach the top. And they're not aware of a lot of other changes which is happening, which can actually impact the back in a very different way in a very, very wrong way. So do less understand things rightly do And it's fine. Don't worry about that little by little as you keep on practicing, it will become an issue. So, inhalation and as you exhale, let the spine indicate remain in one unit, see my head and spine is going in one line. It is not, it is not going first or spine is not rounding, it is just going in one line, no matter wherever you reach, actually, I'm pivoting and bending from the hinge from the hip joint, actually, the lower back
and then inhale and bring the index finger and the middle finger between the big toe in the second toe and then hook it properly. Let the thumb you also use so that this grip doesn't get released. And after that, press the big puller.

Those are very tight hamstring, they can bend the leg a little that's not what do you want to do is you don't want to run the shoulders and the upper back, especially the upper back non-racial. So what we do is we inhale and as we exhale, we extend ourselves a little forward as we are opening from the upper sternum region. head is nice and long, but we are not lifting the chin to work by compressing the neck, we don't want to compress the neck. Inhale, exam. Now as we do so, it is very important to engage supports right from the beginning. As we went forward, engage supports the moment to engage, of course, the needle, the kneecap, the buckler will be raised up, it will be engaged so that there is no strain on the knee.

Now, inhale, exhale, we will remain here for a few breaths, keeping now few things in mind. Every time we exhale, we should feel that the courts are getting engaged and the sitting bones are being pulled up to the seal.

Every time in the sitting bone gets pulled up to the ceiling, we should feel the pelvis is getting further towards the upper thigh region, so that we can actually nicely, keep the head in long and tall. Inhale.
Engage supports lifting the sitting bones, the buttock region up and going down.
Inhale, exhale.

Inhale.  Every time you exhale, you engage your cause further, the moment engaged, of course, the hamstrings get a little softer and it becomes easier for you to bend forward. But moving up, the tailbone is moving up. The tailbone is getting engaged and the sitting bowl is pointing up to the ceiling. Just keep on trying that for a few minutes. Now what we do, we inhale and this time will be saved. We let the elbows go out. Friends, shoulders are open shoulder is not going to come forward and close to the letter shoulders open away from the year.

We feel that the spine is lengthening down towards the flow and the head is also going down to the floor.

Inhale, exhale,

lifting the sitting bones engaging the courts, allowing the hamstring to loosen up. Now those who have a flexible hamstring along hamstring, they can bring the forehead down. Those who find difficult they have short and stream. They can remain it'll just read every explanation drop, lifting the sitting bones and getting the chords, relaxing the hamstrings and wait for the inside inside the app to be comfortable.

Now, after holding for about five breaths to seven breaths, inhale and release your hands. Now inhale, keep the hands by the side of the ways Exhale, slowly keeping the spine in the head all together in one straight line as you come up.

Friends. When you do this, if you have high blood pressure, just avoid bending too much forward and those who have heart problem, take little care when they do this.
Because the moment you bend forward, you might feel a little uncomfortable. Whenever you feel that just stop the practice.


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