
Bhastrika pranayama

                              Bhastrika pranayama       Bhastrika also falls below breeting. If you see a cigar,   it's it's the venue, which usually a blacksmith  use. It's like a airbag, which is used to pump from which a pressure of the air gets exerted towards a  fire. And that's how some instruments along with the iron can be made.  This particular practice is where the breath is used forcefully. And it's a deep breathing it's a forceful breathing.  People who have problems related to any ailment With the internal organs of the abdomen like spleen or kidney or into Stein of pancreas, they should take a look at when they do this. Those who have heart ailment problem, they should also avoid it, those who have hypertension, they should avoid it during pregnancy during menstrual cycle, it should be avoided. Now, if you see the benefits of this asset, this allows the respiratory system to improve also, it improves the immunity. It

chakra padasana

      chakra padasana Today we are going to learn chakra balancing or leg rotations.  Leg rotations are a very simple practice, but they proved to be very effective especially when it's really easy to teach abdomen, strengthening of the abdomen. So those who are weak lower back, the reason why they have weak lower back because the abdomen is not strong enough and when you do leg rotations or chakra padasana and it helps you to strengthen the abdomen region. Also, it is very good to tune the organs which are there inside the abdomen at the same time it is very important and improves the dietitian. The practice looks quite simple and a lot of time because it looks simple. People take it for granted. They just move their leg they are not engaging themselves, the more simpler it is. It becomes very difficult to keep your attention there to keep your mind there. And that's a reason why, even with simpler practice, make sure that you are there you're prese


         Kapalbhati Today we are going to learn Kapalbhati. kapalbhati also Alice skull shining breaths, or the Breath of Fire. The literal meaning of Kabbalah and parties Kapalbhati means forehead and bhakti means to blow or to shine. So when you do this particular breathing practice actually you start feeling little lighter and nicer cuppa tea falls into the category of should decrease the shutter Korea's There are six cleansing practice. So compatibility is one of the decreases. In fact, it is initially used to clean the restaurant passages the channels so that the Brian after that we do becomes much more effective. Now, people who have high blood pressure, they should take a little care in fact they should avoid it people who have heart issues, cardiac problems, they should avoid those who have spinal injuries. They should also avoid it because there's a lot of movement into the abdomen. So they should take a little care while performing the practice.

Kati vakrasana

Kati vakrasana Today we are going to learna very simple as p means vakrasana means to twist. And this asan is a supine acid. It has lots of benefits, very practices asan, it allows mobility of the spine to improve the spine because of its twisting action becomes a little loose and supple. Not only that, because when the knees are moving on one side and the head is moving to the other side, this twisting action right from the neck down to the lower back. tailbone region happens beautifully, which also brings twisting action in the abdomen.  Indirectly this twisting action allows organs which are there inside the abdomen to function better Mostly this asana is used in a restorative way especially in the end, when all the practices are over, in order to relieve strain intention from the body, this practice can be done. So, that finally from here, if you want to go into Shavasana relaxation, you can feel nice lighter in Shavasana. those who have a severe back injury they

Padaghustasana(big toe pose)

    Padaghustasana(big toe pose) Today we are going to learn big toe pose. It is a forward bend sending us it is in between beginners and intermediate   it affects the shoulders. It affects the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the bladder, the pelvis, both it affects the neck and the lower back. It also affects the gas, the hamstrings, the hip and also the active When you perform this   it brings a nice stretch into the arches of the feet into the calf muscles into the hamstrings, also into the shoulders. This also helps to relieve stress and mild depression it is done in a relaxed way. Also, it prevents osteoporosis. It also strengthens the legs strengthens the back and also the code along with the house. Now those who have osteoporosis, those who have little backache, they should take care when they perform this, those are very tight hamstring, they can bend the leg of the knees when they performance. Also, those who have injured in the shoulder, they can

sheetali pranayam

sheetali pranayam       Today we are going to learn sheetali pranayam. Sheetali   means cooling. This particular practice airway has a very soothing effect, a cooling effect, a calming effect on the body, on the mind and also on emotions. Sheetal roughly translates to come, relaxed, soothing, and that's the reason why this practice brings a very soothing effect and to the overall effect physical body, mind and also the emotions. Usually in a hawk whether this can be practice regular because it can be Allow the temperature of the body to maintain, it will not allow the temperature of the body to rise it will actually those who are having high blood pressure, this breathing practice can be very important for them. Also, those who have acidity, hyper acidity,it is very good for them. Whenever you're stressed, if you can do this, it will help you to come down. If you are having high blood, blood pressure, it is fine. But if you're having low blo

viparita karni (legs up the wall pose)

                  viparita karni (legs up the wall pose)                                    Today   we are going to learn viparita karni (legs up the wall pose) also Let's go, let's to the wall.Usually this is a restorative assets and proper use so that you can remain in that posture and you can become comfortable and holdit for a long period of time so that you can achieve the benefit of this asset. You can use a chair where the buttocks will rest on the chair where your boxer is used with the shoulders resting on the bolster and a blanket to support the head. But we have to see it in a classical way in a traditional way. In fact, we breed come eosin is a preparatory to get into savannas, the shoulder samples. So we pick on eosin is done in a supine position where you lift both the legs up You bring it little behind. And after bringing it behind you place the hands by the side of your hip bone, your pelvis and then you lift your legs up and make it verti